Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Twilight New Moon Temporary Tattoos

Whether you're Team Edward Or Team Jacob you should check out these awesome temporary tattoos. My lens even has the Wolf Tattoo!

Prepara Power Plant Mini

Since I've left the realm of silly bandz I am going towards Hydroponic Gardening. I will be setting up three Prepara Power Plant Mini's and seeing what grows best. I've been searching for ideas on what to grow and I think I've found some good ones. If you want to keep tabs on my progress then check out my lens all about it.

Prepara Power Plant Mini

Sunday, August 15, 2010

My Silly Bandz Lens Hit Top 100!

If you're not a part of Squidoo then you probably have no clue what I'm talking about! For those of us that are crazy about it will understand what I mean by getting into the top 100! It means that out of over 1 millions lens -about half of that are WIP- mine is in the top 100! Can't get enough of saying that. I also got a purple star! Pretty sweet.

Twilight Silly Bandz has put me through so much to get it there. It didn't even begin as anything related to Twilight until I saw some bandz that were vampire and werewolf related. I thought to myself omgoodness Twilight Silly Bandz! I was so excited and put that keyword in and boom traffic. It was such a great feeling to have so much traffic and sales! Lots and lots of sales. I have over 100 sales on my lens. They aren't high dollar amount sales, but it's better than nothing! It's amazing what can be done when you try.

Well an update to my silly bandz lens. It was sold to a nice gentleman. I sold it and another one of my silly bandz lens. Not gonna go into the price, but it was pretty nice!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Twilight Saga Eclipse Birthday Party Supplies

If you're a fan of the Twilight Saga then you may want to have your own Twilight Eclipse Themed Birthday Party. I have a site dedicated to what you'll need to throw your own party!

Birthday Cakes And Cupcakes!

Who doesn't love birthday cakes and cupcakes? I know my life would be boring without a yummy birthday cake. I especially love it when the time comes for my kids birthdays. They really enjoy cakes also! Though during the birthday off season we enjoy cupcakes to tide us over.

If you're interested in birthday cakes and cupcakes then why not check out this great site about birthday cakes and cupcakes.