Sunday, December 27, 2009

I'm just glad Christmas is over.

It was a great Christmas, but I'm ready to get on with my life. I have to work hard to finish up my squidoo lenses. I'm trying to hit giant there and I need a few more quality lenses to make it. I probably won't, but if not I have 3 more months to try. This will be a great achievement for me and I'm just excited to try.

I also hope to work more on here. After the New Year I'll be posting about one artist per week. I've already got my first one picked. I've bought some of her prints and I can't wait to get them. After I get past trying for Giant I'll be working on more promotion ideas.

I can't wait to get this ball a rolling. Talk to you soon!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

My Recipe Lenses.

I've been working hard on a recipe lens tonight. I just now got it finished. Phew that was hard work. It was easier to make the food. Well here it is. Best Chicken Quesadilla Recipe

I just love quesadillas and love to make them. I use a dutch oven method of cooking the chicken to make it super fall off the split breast bone. Btw I also have another recipe lens up that I enjoyed making and eating. Check it out. Best Enchilada Recipe

Yeah I think highly of my recipes, but I've been cooking them for years and slowly perfecting them. You can use these recipes as a starting point and make them your own by adding ingredients that you like. For example if you like yours a little spicy then add some chopped up Jalapenos and you have something that's yours. So give my recipes a shot and see if they are for you.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

I've been so busy!

I've been meaning to post pictures of my zazzle buys! I've had them for a while and took pictures, but I've been so busy lately that I forgot to post them. I am going to be scanning my post cards since I'm not that great at photography.

It may look different, but it's an awesome binder. I just love the weird and unique.

I've also ordered 4 mugs, but only going to show one on here since the other 3 have pictures of my children on them. Just not interested in putting my children's pictures online. Will be posting a picture up as soon as I get it. Very excited about getting it. I have so many plans for that mug.

Well I hope to chat more I've got to get busy making lenses. I'll definitely be working more here once I get my goals done before the New Year. Thanks for reading!

Friday, December 11, 2009

A little clarification about Squidoo and Zazzle.

I've been watching a post on Squidoo about the zazzle rating manipulations that are going on. Most people probably don't know that what they are doing is against the TOS of Squidoo. There's quite a few threads at the zazzle forum that are all about getting favorited and rated. This is called rating exchanges. You're not suppose to go around asking people to do this. You can get banned from Squidoo for doing this.

Why are they doing this? Well because it's believed that if you get a added as a favorite or get a rating on your lens then the lens rank will go up. No one knows 100% what makes that rank go up. Asking people to do these things is ratings manipulation and Squidoo doesn't want people doing this. It's unfair to the people who are honest and not breaking the TOS.

Another reason why people are doing this is that the lensmasters are telling the artists that they will sell more items this way. Well that's not true. The lensmaster will be getting paid more while the artists will most likely get nothing. Google is the main breadwinner when it comes to getting people to buy your work. You need it to bring buyers. Google doesn't care what lens rank you have. It only cares about your content. So if you're a lensmaster will a bunch of stuff pasted on your lens then most likely Google will ignore you page. It may not happen right away, but eventually all that hard work will be for nothing.

All I ask is that you read the TOS thoroughly and ask someone at whether or not this is ok before you go risking your account over a few dollars. Keep Squidoo clean and the money will come.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Star in your own teen vampire romance novel!

I came across something with so much awesomeness. A customizable romance novel with vampires. When I read a book I'm usually immersed into the story so far that it feels like I am there. Now I've found a book that can put me there. It's called Personalized Vampire Romance Novel for Teens - First Bite. Kind of a mouthful, but the main title is First Bite. Sounds sexy to me.

This is aimed at teens, but if you love Twilight then this book is something that may interest you. I personally loved The Twilight Saga. This book is definitely on my Christmas wish list. I have a Squidoo lens on it if you'd like to check it out. It has more information about the book. Here's the link to it. First Bite A Vampire Love Story

Personalized Vampire Romance Novel for Teens - First Bite