Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Twilight New Moon Temporary Tattoos

Whether you're Team Edward Or Team Jacob you should check out these awesome temporary tattoos. My lens even has the Wolf Tattoo!

Prepara Power Plant Mini

Since I've left the realm of silly bandz I am going towards Hydroponic Gardening. I will be setting up three Prepara Power Plant Mini's and seeing what grows best. I've been searching for ideas on what to grow and I think I've found some good ones. If you want to keep tabs on my progress then check out my lens all about it.

Prepara Power Plant Mini

Sunday, August 15, 2010

My Silly Bandz Lens Hit Top 100!

If you're not a part of Squidoo then you probably have no clue what I'm talking about! For those of us that are crazy about it will understand what I mean by getting into the top 100! It means that out of over 1 millions lens -about half of that are WIP- mine is in the top 100! Can't get enough of saying that. I also got a purple star! Pretty sweet.

Twilight Silly Bandz has put me through so much to get it there. It didn't even begin as anything related to Twilight until I saw some bandz that were vampire and werewolf related. I thought to myself omgoodness Twilight Silly Bandz! I was so excited and put that keyword in and boom traffic. It was such a great feeling to have so much traffic and sales! Lots and lots of sales. I have over 100 sales on my lens. They aren't high dollar amount sales, but it's better than nothing! It's amazing what can be done when you try.

Well an update to my silly bandz lens. It was sold to a nice gentleman. I sold it and another one of my silly bandz lens. Not gonna go into the price, but it was pretty nice!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Twilight Saga Eclipse Birthday Party Supplies

If you're a fan of the Twilight Saga then you may want to have your own Twilight Eclipse Themed Birthday Party. I have a site dedicated to what you'll need to throw your own party!

Birthday Cakes And Cupcakes!

Who doesn't love birthday cakes and cupcakes? I know my life would be boring without a yummy birthday cake. I especially love it when the time comes for my kids birthdays. They really enjoy cakes also! Though during the birthday off season we enjoy cupcakes to tide us over.

If you're interested in birthday cakes and cupcakes then why not check out this great site about birthday cakes and cupcakes.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Paranormal Activity 2 Is Coming To A Theater Near You.

If you loved the first movie then why not check out the second? There are rumors that Katie from the first movie will be in the second. If you want to see the teaser trailer and decide for yourself then check out my page. Paranormal Activity 2

Friday, June 4, 2010

Shrek 4 glasses recalled.

Mcdonalds has issues a voluntary recall on it's Shrek Glasses for the film Shrek Forever After. It's the last in the series and their glasses were selling out. Now they will be refunded due to Cadmium in the paint. Read more about the Shrek 4 Glass Recall.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Wilton 3 Tier Cooling Rack.

I made a lens talking about my awesome Wilton cooling rack that I had bought. It's the Wilton Excelle Elite 3 Tier Cooling Rack. Yes it sounds like so much awesomeness. Basically it's a cooling rack that stacks up to 3 cooling racks. You don't have to use all 3, but you can. Also it takes up less space than a regular cooling rack. I'm using mine mostly for making Pita bread, but it's great for cookies.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Get $10 off at | Private Events

"Get $10 off at and they're having a great sale!"
Shoebuy Events features private sales events with up to 90% off on leading fashion and lifestyle brands. Click Get Started now and receive $10 off your purchase of $50 or more.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Quirky Cloak Prototype

Get your own

Saturday, March 13, 2010

New Lego Games Have Arrived.

Most of us know the brand Lego. I have two young children and they love building with their Lego blocks. They haven't gotten into the more advanced building sets since they are still pretty young. When I see the sets they have out now I'm just amazed at how far Lego has come. What really got my attention recently is the new board games they have come out with. It sounds far fetched, but yes Lego has come out with some pretty cool looking games.

My son really wants the LEGO Monster 4 Game since he's a big fan of spiders and there's a huge spider in the game. He's a bit nuts about spiders unlike me. Though I am a fan of monsters so I guess it works out for both of us. If you want to learn more about Monster 4 then check out .

The game of choice for me is LEGO Minotaurus. I'm a fan of Greek mythology and it kind of reminds me of the book series Percy Jackson and the Olympianswhich has a movie based on the first book. Well the Minotaur and the Labyrinth parts of the book. It looks like a pretty fun game plus you can customize it so no two games have to be the same. If you think this game might interest you then check out my Lego Minotaurus page and see what the game is all about.

Well that's just two of the games that are out right now. There are currently 4 out and another 1 on the way. Check back later for more games later!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Some Of My Newest Lenses.

I haven't been able to update in a bit due to family illness. Nothing serious, but when you have two children things just don't always go well. All three of us have been ill and I'm hoping that we can get over the hill and get better soon.

One of my newest lenses is Kindle Wireless Reading Device (6" Display, Global Wireless, Latest Generation). This is one of the most popular e book readers out there. It uses E-ink to ease the strain on our eyes while reading. We all know how much fun reading can be when our eyes are burnt out. Here's the link to my Kindle lens.

Another lens of mine is about the Apple Ipad. I'm a fan of Apple and it's technology. This is like a huge Ipod touch in my eyes which is a good thing since I like screens to be bigger. So be sure to take a peek at my new Apple Ipad lens.

My other lens is about Manic Panic Hair Dye. I love the stuff and made a lens all about it. I am a fan of the reds and blues. My favorite is Vampire Red. So stop by and check them out.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Ever Want A Twilight Birthday Cake?

I have quite a few ideas on getting your very own Twilight Birthday Cake? If so check out Twilight Birthday Cakes and Parties. The site has a great resource for creating your own birthday cakes based on the Twilight Saga. You can find cake icing sheets that lay on your cake and blends in and they are created from movie images. You can also get ideas on decorating a cake. So check it out and see if it's something you may like.

Terri Red Tattooed Gothic Fairy.

Terra Fire Fairy Poster By Myka Jelina.

Demi Twilight Moon Butterfly By Myka Jelina.

Magdalene Gothic Fairy Poster.

Little Blue Violet Butterfly Flower Fairy Poster By Myka Jelina.

Amber Rose Poster Newest Myka Jelina Print.

Myka Jelina Terra Two Poster

I'm a huge fan of Myka Jelina's artwork. She has a lot of it and it's all great. My faves are her gothic fairies.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

A little promotion for family.

I wanted to make a small post for a family member. She has her own site now that's for crafts. She's worked hard on setting this up and getting started. She has her own brick and mortar store and has bravely branched out into the online world. So check out her shop and let others know about it please.

So Sweet Soft Goods


Tuesday, January 12, 2010

January Is My Official Goth Month.

Well I'm going to be making my own months here. It'll still be the normal months, but I'll be celebrating different themes. Right now it's Goth month. I just got my awesome goth prints from zazzle and I need some frames to hang them up. I also bought two goth calendars and I'm so very excited.

I still plan on showcasing once a week, but I just haven't got the time just yet. I'm having to make plans on what I'm going to be doing each day. Unfortunately there's not enough time in the day to get each one done.

I'm A Squid Angel.

I've been pretty busy. I just got my Angel wings on Squidoo. It's going to be rough for a few months while I'll be volunteering there and working on blogs, my own brand new website and taking care of my kids.

My newest Blog is at Squidoo Angel Kharadriisa. This will be my promote others blog. I still plan on doing some here, but I have to take my time and spread it evenly.