Saturday, March 13, 2010

New Lego Games Have Arrived.

Most of us know the brand Lego. I have two young children and they love building with their Lego blocks. They haven't gotten into the more advanced building sets since they are still pretty young. When I see the sets they have out now I'm just amazed at how far Lego has come. What really got my attention recently is the new board games they have come out with. It sounds far fetched, but yes Lego has come out with some pretty cool looking games.

My son really wants the LEGO Monster 4 Game since he's a big fan of spiders and there's a huge spider in the game. He's a bit nuts about spiders unlike me. Though I am a fan of monsters so I guess it works out for both of us. If you want to learn more about Monster 4 then check out .

The game of choice for me is LEGO Minotaurus. I'm a fan of Greek mythology and it kind of reminds me of the book series Percy Jackson and the Olympianswhich has a movie based on the first book. Well the Minotaur and the Labyrinth parts of the book. It looks like a pretty fun game plus you can customize it so no two games have to be the same. If you think this game might interest you then check out my Lego Minotaurus page and see what the game is all about.

Well that's just two of the games that are out right now. There are currently 4 out and another 1 on the way. Check back later for more games later!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Some Of My Newest Lenses.

I haven't been able to update in a bit due to family illness. Nothing serious, but when you have two children things just don't always go well. All three of us have been ill and I'm hoping that we can get over the hill and get better soon.

One of my newest lenses is Kindle Wireless Reading Device (6" Display, Global Wireless, Latest Generation). This is one of the most popular e book readers out there. It uses E-ink to ease the strain on our eyes while reading. We all know how much fun reading can be when our eyes are burnt out. Here's the link to my Kindle lens.

Another lens of mine is about the Apple Ipad. I'm a fan of Apple and it's technology. This is like a huge Ipod touch in my eyes which is a good thing since I like screens to be bigger. So be sure to take a peek at my new Apple Ipad lens.

My other lens is about Manic Panic Hair Dye. I love the stuff and made a lens all about it. I am a fan of the reds and blues. My favorite is Vampire Red. So stop by and check them out.